February 20th
about 1 year ago, Clint Stoppel
9:00 AM Opening ceremony straight into matches
about 1 year ago, Clint Stoppel
Between varsity games tonight we will recognize the girls and boys teams from the 2014 state championships.
about 1 year ago, Clint Stoppel
February 9th
about 1 year ago, Clint Stoppel
Feb. 8th
about 1 year ago, Clint Stoppel
Tuesday, February 6th
about 1 year ago, Clint Stoppel
February 5th. Good luck to our MS wrestlers!
about 1 year ago, Clint Stoppel
Tonight VB will be in charge of concessions. They are also offering a fundraiser meal below. Come out and support HHS VB.
about 1 year ago, Clint Stoppel
Good luck to scholars bowl today at regionals!
about 1 year ago, Clint Stoppel
Livestream for basketball at Hoisington tonight: https://www.team1sports.com/highschool/ks/?S=hoisingtoncardinals
about 1 year ago, Clint Stoppel
We hosted 40 local/area employers and colleges last Friday at the HHS Career Fair, held in cooperation with the Hesston Area Chamber of Commerce. Our students did a great job interacting and holding conversations with the representatives from the various organizations, who in turn were gracious with their time and provided valuable insight into future opportunities. Special thanks to Courtney Hiebert (HHS College/Career Counselor) and Kim Wallace (Hesston Chamber Executive Director) for working together to organize and host the event. We heard many compliments from the organizations on how well the event was run! It's challenging to measure the direct impact of these events, but we believe in consistently providing opportunity, exposure, and positive messaging for our students as they explore next steps beyond high school. Over the course of four years, students will hear from dozens of career speakers, make college visits to 2 year, 4 year, and tech schools, participate in job shadows, and have the opportunity to complete a formal internship in a career field of their interest. These things all happen because of the exceptional support we receive from the Hesston community!
about 1 year ago, Ty Rhodes
career fair
career fair
Get out to support a safe and fun After Prom through Pizza Hut on January 28!
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Schroeder
HHS After Prom Fundraiser
about 1 year ago, Clint Stoppel
live stream of tonights basketball at Buhler https://www.youtube.com/@crusadersportsnetwork6697 Radio coverage through Ad Astra Radio
about 1 year ago, Clint Stoppel
about 1 year ago, Clint Stoppel
Tonight's games at Pratt will be live streamed for the main gym at: https://www.usd382.com/vnews/display.v/ART/5d754e06ce014
about 1 year ago, Clint Stoppel
January 23rd
about 1 year ago, Clint Stoppel
Hesston Schools will start classes 2 Hrs late today, Jan 22.
about 1 year ago, Kevin Logan
about 1 year ago, Clint Stoppel