We are looking for local business & industry partners!
Hesston High School is excited to offer students an opportunity to participate in a Senior Internship program. This course allows students the opportunity to explore their career pathway more in depth with hands-on learning, workplace experience, and observation of professionals in the field. By forming a partnership between the school, the student, and the business, our students can gain real-world experience, learn a strong work ethic, and develop their soft skills.
When matching our seniors with a career mentor, we look at the students’ career interests, coursework, activities, GPA, attendance/behavior records, and job history that has prepared them for their field of interest. Along with the internship coordinator, students will play an active role in contacting career mentors and seeking an internship placement.
Aside from the many benefits this offers our students with exposure to career opportunities, there are also many benefits to your business:
Improve community and public relations between the school, local business, and greater community
Influence curriculum design and content
Marketing opportunities through HHS social media
Mentor and promote your career field to students
We plan to make in-person visits to area businesses in January as we explore placement opportunities for our students. In the meantime, we would appreciate it if you could fill out the online form below by December 15th. We look forward to hearing from you and partnering with you on this educational opportunity for our students at Hesston High School.
Courtney Hiebert, Hesston High School Counselor
Ty Rhodes, Hesston High School Principal
Staci Richardson, Hesston High School Business Teacher/Internship Coordinator